The Sun

Sun - Energy Education

Image credit:-EnergyEducation

The sun is the head of the solar system and the energy source also. It accounts the 99.99% of the total mass of the solar system. Its mean distance from the Earth is 1 au ≈ 1.496×108 km 8 min 19 s at light speed. It visual brightness is -26.74 and it velocity of orbit around the center of the milky way is 220 km,relative to average velocity of other stars in stellar neighborhood is 20 km and relative to the cosmic microwave background is 370 km. It equatorial radius is 696,340 km and it equatorial circumference is 4.379 million km. The surface area is 6.09×1012 km2 12,000 × Earth and it volume is 1.41×1018 km3 1,300,000 × Earth.


History of the sun

The sun is an ordinary star because there are many smaller stars than larger ones and the sun is the top 10% by mass. The old name of sun in Greek is Helios and in roman it says that sol. In sun the hydrogen is 70% and helium is 28% .The change in sun slowly converts its hydrogen and helium in its core. The outer layer of the sun is exhibit from differential rotation at the equator of every 25.4 days near the poles at 36 days. The odd behavior of the sun is not a solid body like the earth. The similar effects are seen in the gas planets. The rotation extends down into the interior of sun but its core of the sun rotates from as a solid body.  


General characteristics

The sun comprises 99.86% of the mass of solar system. The absolute magnitude of the sun is +4.83 must be estimated to brighter than about 85% of stars in Milky Way which are red dwarfs. Sun is formed by shock waves from supernovae. This is a high abundance of heavy elements, such as gold and uranium. This heavy element could plausibly produced by endothermic nuclear reaction on supernova or transmutation through neutron absorption with a massive second-generation star.



NASA missions measure solar flare from space

Image Credit:-DNA India

The solar constant power is deposits per unit area that is exposed to sunlight. It constant is equal to 1,368 w/m2 of distance to astronomical unit (AU) from the sun. Surface of earth is attend by earth atmosphere, so less powers arrives in clear condition is near the zenith of the sun. The top atmosphere is composed about 50% infrared light, 40% visible light and 10% ultraviolet light. Ultra violet radiation ionizes upper atmosphere of day side creating the ionosphere.  


Eu-topías » The water trail from the cradle of a young Sun to ...

Image Credit:-Eu-topians

The sun is formed by gas and plasma. 91% of gas is hydrogen but these gases are converted into energy in its sun core. This energy is moves out through the interior layer into the atmosphere of the sun and released in the solar system as heat and light. Most of the scientist think that the sun and the solar system are formed for the rotating cloud of gas and dust are called nebula. The nebula collapsed because the gravity spun faster and flattered into disk.



What is fusion energy? - Quora

Image Credit:-Quora

The structure formation of the sun is four hydrogen nuclei are fused into one helium nuclei which are releasing the bunch of energy as photons. It produces so much heat to melt a block of ice from one mile.

Structures containing the sun are:-

The Structure and Composition of the Sun | Astronomy

Image Credit:- Lumen Learning

I)                  Core-the innermost part of sun radius is 20-25% while the temperature and pressure are occurring. Hydrogen gas change into helium which cannot be currently fused.

II)               Radioactive- the surface of sun which cannot occur until much nearer. The radius of radioactive zone is between 20-25% and 70% zone is transferring by the radiation which occurs rather than convection.

III)            Tachocline- the boundary region which occur in radioactive and convection zone.

IV)          Convective zone-the radius of sun about 70% and a point close to the visible surface. The weather cell which form in the earth atmosphere.

V)            Photo sphere-the visible surface of the sun is most familiar and the deepest part of the sun which can directly observe with visible light.

VI)           Atmosphere- the sun atmosphere is composed of several layers of photo sphere, chromospheres and the corona. The outer layer of sun energy has bubbled up from its interior layer. Photo sphere is the lowest layer in the sun.


Magnetic activity

I)                  Magnetic field-the sun varies magnetic field across the surface of the sun. The electric current generates a magnetic field inside the sun and its polar field is 1-2 gauss where the field is typically 3000 gauss in sunspots. The sun magnetic field has two poles south magnetic pole and north magnetic pole.

II)               Variation in activity-The magnetic fields lead too much effect called solar activity. The effect of solar activity on the earth includes auroras at moderate to high latitudes and the disruption of radio communications and electric power. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections tend to occur at sunspot groups.

III)            Long term change- Long term change in sunspot number by related to solar irradiance which in turn for influence for earths long term climate. Few sunspots were observe during the maunder minimum period and this coincided time with the era of little ice age.



Heliocentric Theory

What is the heliocentric model of the universe?

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According to the Heliocentric theory, the Sun was known to be the centre of the universe but when the image of the milky way galaxy became clear this theory was proved to be wrong as the sun was found to be at the outermost corner of the galaxy.


Life phases

Today the sun is roughly halfway through the most stable part of life. This dramatically has not changed for over four billion years. Hydrogen fusion core has stopped.

I)                  Formation- It formed about 4.6 billion years ago from collapse and part of a giant molecular cloud consisted hydrogen and helium to birth other stars. The result of oldest solar system material is consisted with radiometric date at 4.567 billion years ago. A supernova nearby a shockwave will have triggered the formation of sun with the molecular cloud and cause collapse under the own gravity. Gravity and pressure of the cloud generated a lot of heat in its core and its accreted matter from the surrounding disk and it trigged the nuclear fusion.

II)               Main sequence- The main sequence of the sun is to like most stars in the universe during fusion reaction in its core fuse hydrogen into helium. So it is converted and estimated 100 times of the mass of earth into helium and solar energy.


Motion and location

I)                  MOTION IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM- The movement of earth is only possible by the gravitational force of planets. The centre of sun is 2.2 solar radii of the bury centre. Several decades of motion are rather regular forming a tree foil pattern between the periods it appear chaotic. Inner planet of orbit or earth displaces its gravitational force and movement of sun for little effects of relative position of earth and the sun or solar irradiance on earth as a function of time. 


                Planetary system   

             The sun has eight planets which include some terrestrial planets like (mercury, Venus, Earth and mars), two giant planets are (Jupiter and Saturn) and two ice giant planets are (Uranus and Neptune). The comets are a large number of icy bodies which lie within the orbit of Neptune.   

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